Rebecca Gribl
Rebecca Gribl is part of the BEUKELMANN | MÜLLER | PARTNER team since 2025. She works across all areas of criminal law with a focus on white-collar crime.
As early as in her law studies at the University of Augsburg, Rebecca Gribl specialised in criminal law, specifically in criminology, economic criminal law, and medical criminal law. Her exceptional academic achievements earned her a prestigious scholarship at the “Max Weber Program” by the state of Bavaria which supports highly gifted students.
In addition to studying law, she gained practical experience and worked in part-time legal positions, including jobs at the legal department of Augsburg University of Applied Sciences or at the Chair for Public Law, European Law and Public Economic Law under Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Wollenschläger. Alongside her studies and work, she volunteered as a team leader and advisor at the Law Clinic Augsburg.
Rebecca first joined BEUKELMANN | MÜLLER | PARTNER as a research associate in 2022, while simultaneously undertaking her traineeship at the Higher Regional Court in Munich.
Rebecca completed her traineeship in 2024 and passed the Second State Examination with distinction, ranking 6th out of 849 candidates in the state of Bavaria. Alongside her practice as a German qualified lawyer, she is pursuing a doctorate in criminal law under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Beulke.
Languages: German, English
Gribl/ Lengl, Löschung personenbezogener Daten im Strafverfahren, NJW-Spezial 2022, 696.
Müller/ Gribl, Germany, in: International Fraud & Asset Tracing 2022, Chambers Global Practice Guides.
Müller/ Gribl, Pflichtverteidigung bei Interessenkollision, in: Strafrecht und Strafverteidigung in Geschichte, Praxis und Politik: Festschrift für Alexander Ignor zum 70. Geburtstag, 2023, 961.
Telefon: +49 89 2366 370
E-Mail: R.Gribl@bm-partner.com