Andrea Mathes
Andrea Mathes is part of our team since 2022 and engages in all areas of criminal law.
Andrea has had a passion for criminal defence since her time as a law student at Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich. She soon specialized in criminal law and graduated in “Criminal Justice, Criminal Defence and Prevention” with a focus on white collar criminal law, European criminal law and medical criminal law. She completed a specialized English language training course for lawyers. As a working student, Andrea held various part-time legal positions, e.g. in a law firm or in the editorial office for legal electronic publishing of the C. H. Beck publishing house.
During her legal traineeship in the district of the Higher Regional Court in Munich, Andrea completed her criminal clerkship at the Public Prosecutor’s Office Munich II in the department for white collar crime cases. Moreover, she worked as a trainee in in law firms in different legal areas where she was assigned cases with relevance to criminal defence.
She also attended and completed training courses in negotiation management as well as in communication and rhetoric for lawyers and participated in the Munich training program for business mediators of the Bavarian State Ministry of Justice.
Andrea Mathes speaks German and English.
„Straffreie Suizidbeihilfe – Maßgeblichkeit normativer Betrachtung“, NJW-Spezial 2022, 568
„Überfällig: Die audiovisuelle Dokumentation der Hauptverhandlung“, NJW-Spezial 2023, 120
Telefon: +49 89 2366 370
E-Mail: A.Mathes@bm-partner.com