Florian Opper


LawyerAccredited Specialist Lawyer for Criminal Law

Before being admitted as a lawyer, Florian Opper spent five years working as a public prosecutor in a department of Munich Public Prosecutor’s Office specialised in white collar crime. He then went on to work as a criminal law judge in the field of white collar crime and narcotics criminal law.

Florian decided to go to private practice and has worked as a lawyer and counsel since 2016. Drawing on his previous experience in the judiciary, he focuses primarily on white collar crime and has also built up expertise in both tax and medical criminal law. Besides this, Florian also takes on cases from other areas of criminal law.

Florian completed his law degree at Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg, where he specialised in commercial and European law. He then went on to work as a legal research assistant at the Chair for German and European Business and Corporate Law at Würzburg University and as a research assistant in a specialised commercial law firm in Würzburg.

He completed his junior legal training in Würzburg and then went on to do an elective internship in the legal department of an international automobile manufacturing corporation in Munich.

Florian is a visiting lecturer for Business Criminal Law at Hochschule Fresenius, University of Applied Sciences. According to the German business weekly WirtschaftsWoche, he is one of the top lawyers 2020 for Commercial Criminal Law.

Florian Opper speaks German and English.

Vortrag 8.11.2018 bei Baker McKenzie

„Einsatz freier Mitarbeiter in der Telekommunikations-, Medien- und IT-Industrie“


Sommersemester 2018

Wirtschaftsstrafrecht, Vorlesung an der Hochschule Fresenius, München

Müller / Opper: „Ultima-ratio-Prinzip und Umgang mit der Korruption im Gesundheitswesen“, Festschrift für Reinhold Schlothauer zum 70. Geburtstag, 2018, C. H. Beck Verlag, S. 401 – 411

Koops / Opper: “Die Mitarbeiterbefragung gem. § 17 Abs. 1 Nr. 5 lit. c VerSanG-E – Das Ende der ‚unbedingten Auskunftspflicht‘ des Arbeitnehmers?”, BB 2020, 1589-1595

Müller / Opper / von Stetten: „Berufsrisiken des Strafverteidigers“, Strafverteidigerpraxis (StVP) Bd. 5, München, 2021

Rechtsanwaltskammer für den Oberlandesgerichtsbezirk München, Tal 33, 80331 München